Monday 3 May 2010

Extra Info

First blog done. Now it's what next? I initially thought it could be a rant page, but that's...not my style :D
So, I have a passion for literature, music, film and art. I figured during the time I spend at University I'm going to absorb a lot of new information. Added to that is my 'famous' Film and book list I've been working on for over a year. A good variety of stuff on there. I've decided to review what I read and watch, if for no-one else's interest or benefit, my own!
I'll keep this short and sweet anyway.
Good day to you, dear reader.


  1. Sounds good, I'm looking forward to your reviews! Will you be watching older films or new releases?

  2. I believe you should post your list and keep us updated on how it goes..

